Market Assessments

Levante conduct Labour Market Assessments and Market Scans in some of the world’s most exciting economies and fragile contexts.

We have developed our own methodologies, grounded in experience, which identify the most promising opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment.

Our research often involves working directly with employers to understand the skills required and inform the development of Technical and Vocational Training. This provides young people, or the most vulnerable, with the best chances of succeeding in the Labour Market.

Levante has strong track record of helping our clients to build networks in the private sector and create opportunities for skills development.

Feasibility Studies

We regularly carry out research for our partners to establish the feasibility of proposed humanitarian/development interventions.

These studies focus on determining the relevance of projects to needs on the ground and the potential for impact, as well providing practical recommendations for implementation.

Our studies are rigorous, realistic and built on our understanding of international donor requirements.